Professional Website Author and Hosting Services
About Me
Bo's Professional Dog Walking Service
About Me:
I have an innate ability to connect with dogs, which allows me to help them feel calm and confident during walks. I follow a gentle, non-invasive approach to working with dogs, based on the methods developed by renowned dog behaviorist Cesar Millan. This allows me to establish trust and respect with your dog, ensuring a positive experience on every walk. Whether your dog is excitable, nervous, or anywhere in between, I can help them walk confidently and comfortably.
Here Are The Basics
- Personalized regularly scheduled walks that are tailored to your dog's energy and needs.
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- Walking a dog for 60 minutes a day can help them maintain better overall health and strengthen their muscles and joints.
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- Walking a dog for 60 minutes a day can help them maintain their mental health and improve interactions with humans and other animals.
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- I'm a dedicated, reliable dog walker with a natural understanding of dogs.
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- I offer a free consultation beforehand to ensure that your dog and I are a good fit.
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- Prices range from $5 up to $20 per 60-minute walk for one dog.
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- Schedule a Free Introduction Consultation.
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- Contact me to discuss my services and how I may be able to help you.
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Physical Health
Walking a dog for 60 minutes a day can help them maintain better overall health and strengthen their muscles and joints.
- Weight loss: Walking can help overweight or obese dogs lose weight.
- Muscle tone: Walking helps maintain muscle tone and joint movement.
- Cardiovascular: Walking can improve cardiovascular fitness and lower blood pressure.
- Digestive and urinary: Walking can improve digestive and urinary health.
- Quality Sleep: Walking helps your dog release excess energy, which can help them sleep better at night.
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Mental Health
Walking a dog for 60 minutes a day can help them maintain their mental health and improve interactions with humans and other animals.
- Mental stimulation: Walking provides mental stimulation by exposing your dog to new sights, smells, and sounds.
- Boredom prevention: Walking allows your dog to explore new sights, smells, and hear new things helping to prevent boredom and destructive behavior.
- Emotional health: Walking can help deepen your bond with your dog and reduce attention-seeking behaviors.
- Social development: Walking provides an opportunity for your dog to play and socialize with other dogs.
- Decreased loneliness: Walking together can reduce feelings of loneliness for both you and your dog.
- Neurotic behaviors: Walking can improve patterns of emotional instability that involves negative feelings like fear, anxiety, stress, and self-doubt.
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What I Offer:
- Daily dog walking services
- Personalized walks that are tailored to your dog's energy and needs
- Positive reinforcement and a calm, relaxed demeanor
- Flexible schedules for regular or one-time walks
- 60-minute walks to provide your dog with the exercise and mental stimulation they need
- Additionally I offer pack walks at a discounted rate so that your dog can socialize with other dogs and have friends. (This service is only available to the best behaved members)
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- From $5 up to $20 per 60-minute walk for one dog
- Half price per additional dog from same family
- Discounts available for regular weekly schedules
- Payment accepted via Cash or PayPal
- Pack walks are available at reduced rates to provide your dog with social interaction with other dogs
- Serving the residents of the Ennis downtown and nearby neighborhoods
- Additional Discounts may be available depending on your special circumstances, contact me to discuss how I can best serve you.
- I have a real soft spot in my heart for Veterans and also our Seniors and I will find a way to serve your needs. If your dog is a service animal that spends his/her entire life serving your needs and deserves a short break from duty once in a while I will find a way to serve you. If you are capable of joining in on the walks I will find a way to serve your animal and allow you a way to give back to the community.
- I am trying to earn a living by doing something I truly love but money is not everything, serving my fellow is paramount, Jesus said in Mark 10:43-45 "Whoever desires to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be most important and first in rank among you must be slave of all", Please do not allow my base pricing to stop you from contacting me. I will serve you.
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Why Choose Me?
- I'm a dedicated, reliable dog walker with a natural understanding of dogs.
- I use calm, assertive energy to create a peaceful and enjoyable experience for your dog.
- As someone who's working on improving my own health, walking dogs helps me stay active and positive, which benefits both me and the dogs!
- Your dog's safety and happiness are my top priorities.
- I understand how dogs think and rely on their primal instincts. I communicate with them without causing harm, never raising my hand or voice. Instead, I use body language and calm, assertive energy to convey my expectations and they always respond in kind.
- I do more than just walk your dog - I connect with them on a primal level, reassuring them that they are safe and loved. I help them find a sense of calm that naturally extends into every aspect of their life.
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How It Works:
- I offer a free consultation beforehand to ensure that your dog and I are a good fit.
- I'll tailor a routine to suit your dog's needs, whether they're energetic or laid-back.
- I'll always prioritize your dog's well-being and make sure they get the exercise they need.
- Once we're in agreement, we'll work together to determine whether your dog is ready for a pack walk or if one-on-one sessions are the best approach. From there, we'll develop a schedule that works for you and your dog.
- I'll stay in regular contact with you to ensure your dog's progress and adjust their routine as needed, keeping their well-being and happiness at the forefront.
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Contact Me:
Call or text Bo at 972-330-1033
Or Email:
If you're considering my services or just exploring options, feel free to Contact Me. Together, we can develop exactly what you need.
Let's Go For A Walk!
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Schedule a Free Introduction Consultation:
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About Me
© Copyright 2024-2025 - The Bo Zone - Edward (Bo) Bowles - Owner - Website Author and Hosting Services and Dog Walking Services
Last Updated Feb 8, 2025 20:36:25 UTC